Terms of Service
By commissioning me you are agreeing to my Terms of Service.
I am willing to draw
Most gore
Artistic nudity
Anthropomorphic/Other humanoids
Fan Art (i.e. Wonder Woman)
Pin ups
But I won’t draw
Complicated Mecha/Machinery
Hate speech
Imitating another alive artists style
Any other questions, please feel free to ask!
By commissioning me, you are agreeing to my terms of service.
I have the right to decline any commission inquiry, with no reason given.
I ask for payment up front.
I only accept payment via me sending you an invoice on Paypal.
All pieces that are $120+ receive a sketch for your approval.
All pieces priced at $100+ are eligible for payment plans.
When finished, I will send the image with a large, high quality image via email. After being sent, I am no longer responsible for having the image available.
You will receive a guarantee by date when payment is received, typically two months after payment.
I may be able to work with quick deadlines, but additional charges may be added. Please specify early on if this is something you’re looking for!
I am an experimental artist by nature and will twist my style to best suit the commissioners need. That being said, if there's something specifically you really want out of a piece from my style, please let me know and I will always try to accommodate.
I work best with visual reference, but can work off of clear written descriptions as well.
Any edits to my work, with the exception of cropping for an icon, must be approved by me. Never remove my signature.
I do not send out originals typically, as my art is primarily digital. If you would like a traditional piece please specify, as it is an available option!
Please let me know ahead of time if you’d like to print this piece for personal use, it will alter how I approach the piece.
I do not @/tag commissioners in the commission pieces I post.
Changes and Refunds
Slight changes are available (i.e. altering color hue). Major changes may be up for additional charges, sketch commissions are not available for major edits..
Anything that I missed which was clearly shown or explained to me will be fixed with no charge.
Cancellations/refunds are not available after the money is sent to me.
I will offer a complete refund if I do not deliver the work on the agreed upon date unless the client and I come to an alternative agreement.
If you contact me via social media and do not respond within a week, I will send the file to you via the email you paid with. I will accept edit requests until a week after the due date of our commission if you still haven’t responded, but once that date has passed, edits will no longer be available.
Please respond to me after I send the piece, a simple "I approve" works perfectly! It lets me know I can check it off my to do list.
I retain the rights to this image unless we have specifically come to an agreement otherwise, you should make no profit off it unless we’ve come to a contracted conclusion.
If the artwork contains your original character/a portrait of a real person that is not a celebrity, I will not make any merchandise off it, simply post it on my social media/my portfolio.
If it is fanart/something non-real-person (i.e., A deer with flowers), I may make merchandise off it. I have the rights to do so unless you’ve bought the rights of the piece, which we will be able to discuss and I will write a contract we must both agree on.
Commercial art will have a different TOS from this completely, please specify in the first email if this is the case, and I will come up with a TOS dependent on your project.
Commissioners are free to post their image to any website of their choosing, with credit given.
I will typically upload the work to my social media unless told to keep it a private commission.
Please tell me you wish to keep it private when inquiring, and depending on the complexity of the piece, if kept private I may add additional charges as I will not be able to use it in my portfolio.
Commissions that need to stay private for only a short period of time (i.e. an anniversary or birthday present) will not have additional charges.
Tattoos have a +$30 charge to any commission piece.
You will receive a sketch of the tattoo for free, so I can see if there needs to be any adjustments.
Every edit after the initial edit of the sketch will be +$10
Major edits to the piece after completion are also subject to a fee depending on complexity of edit.
I will not use tattoo pieces to make merchandise such as prints and the like, but if I were to one day make an art book or show in a gallery I’m free to use the piece in it.
Others will not be given my permission to use this piece for a tattoo (nor any other commissioned work in general).
Public Queue
You can check out past completed commissions as well as were you are on my public queue at any time.
Please email me at swollenbabyfat@gmail.com or message me on Twitter if interested!​